Why Pinterest for Business?

Why Pinterest Pinterest Marketing 5 min read

by Belinda Rigano | 13 May 2019 | Why Pinterest

Not sure why you should be using Pinterest to market your small business?

Check out these amazing stats and compelling reasons to learn why Pinterest could be a great option for your small business!

1. Organic reach. It is easy to get free organic growth on Pinterest. (Think back to the old days of Facebook before it became more pay to play).

Pinterest is a content hub where users share and reshare (and reshare again) the content that they find valuable, interesting or inspiring. As a result of the constant resharing, it is possible for pins to get shared hundreds or even thousands of times. In fact, over 80% of the pins on Pinterest are repins (ie a pin that has been reshared).

Why not join the content creators whose pins make up the remaining 20% and your content could experience this level of virility too.

2. Increased website traffic. Every time a pin is created on Pinterest there is an option* to include a URL link so that users can be directed to another website. This might be a blog post, a landing page, a link to your store - as long as the destination website is relevant to the pin. Pinterest even provides an easy and effective CTA button for your pin - making it easy for the reader to click through.

*Please don't forget to include this - a pin with no URL link is a missed opportunity for traffic!

3. Increased conversions. Pinterest users tend to have a much higher buyer intent than on other platforms. They have come to Pinterest looking for inspiration or searching for something, and therefore are in a different mindset compared to when they are scrolling through social media. In fact, 83% of weekly pinners have bought something after seeing it on Pinterest.

4. Email list growth. For the same reason as #2 above, Pinterest can help grow email lists quickly and easily. By including a URL link with each pin you have the ability to direct traffic to your website, where you have full control of the user experience (as opposed to a social media page where you can't always control the experience).

As an example a pin could link to a specific blog post - thereby connecting the user with the specific content or information they were interested. Providing further value, in the form of a relevant opt-in and call-to-action within this blog post would encourage the user to sign up to your mailing list. An alternate strategy could be to create a pin about your specific opt-in (for example a social media planning calendar) which directs traffic straight to a landing page.

5. Evergreen content. Content pinned on Pinterest can remain popular for months, or may even resurface months or even years later.

The half life of post on social media and other platforms is defined at the time during which half of all clicks and views occur. After this point, engagement tends to drop very quickly. So let's compare the average half life across different platforms. The half life of a tweet on Twitter is about 24 minutes. A Facebook post has an average half life of 90 minutes. Whereas the half life of a pin on Pinterest is three and a half months! That's 1,680 times longer than a Facebook post!

6. Not a popularity contest. Follower numbers on Pinterest aren't as important as they are on other platforms. It is far more important to have a great pinning strategy and some amazing content and visuals. So you don't need to stress about follower numbers to the same degree.

Furthermore, 97% searches on Pinterest are not branded. In most cases a pinner will come to Pinterest looking for inspiration - as they aren't sure exactly what they are looking for. So they are more likely to search "jeans for women" as opposed to searching for a specific brand. The great thing about this is that it evens the playing ground for small brands - any business with great visuals and content can perform well.

7. Pinterest Growth. As a marketing platform, Pinterest may not have quite the number of users as Facebook or Instagram (currently around 265M users per month) ..... but it is fastest growing site by overall member numbers. In addition to recent rapid growth in users; the number of pins, boards and even searches performed on Pinterest have exploded in recent years. There are now more than 175+ billions pins - an incredible increase of 75% within 18 months!

8. Blogging. You have probably realised by now that Pinterest is amazing for increasing website and blog traffic. To do so, you need to be creating content. For many entrepreneurs this will be blog posts, but could also include various other content such as infographics, photography, videos or podcasts. If you aren't already blogging or creating content, then using Pinterest for business might be the inspiration you need. After all, statistics show that content marketing gets three times as many leads when compared to paid search advertising.

9. Video. There is no denying the fact that video is becoming a key part of content marketing strategies across all platforms. This includes Pinterest. Video pins have recently been introduced on Pinterest and whilst it is a relatively new feature, there are many reports from Pinterest users who have had great success with video so far. Watch this space.

Finally, last but not least.....

10. Inspiration. Pinterest is an amazing source of inspiration. Many entrepreneurs might already use Pinterest to create vision boards for their dreams and goals, or mood boards for developing their branding. With the volume and variety of content on Pinterest, it is easy to find new inspiration and ideas on a constant basis. Whether its articles on business strategies and hacks, mindset and self care tips, or inspirational people and businesses to follow, you can find it.

What do you think? Could Pinterest be a good fit for your business.

Interested in starting a Pinterest Account for your business but not sure where to start? Grab my Free Beginners Guide to Setting up a Pinterest Account for Business for some great tips on setting up an optimised Pinterest account.

Grab this FREE Guide. Covering 26 tips to optimise your new Pinterest Business account.

I'd love for you to get in touch if you would like to learn more about how Pinterest could work for your business.

Thanks for reading. Happy Pinning!

Business Marketing Pinterest